Saturday, February 6, 2010

Interesting Lines

The project for 2-d design was to create 3 consecutive eight inch panels out of black construction paper that demonstrate interesting lines. Also the panels were not supposed to just be one consecutive picture split into three. So, I treated the lines differently in each picture but still made them seem connected. The black lines in the left image seem to peel off into ribbons and eventually form the white lines of the rightmost image. My inspiration was 1. saran wrap tied by a twisty tie (looks like a flower...) 2. curly ribbons 3. a chandelier in our common room

here's the chandelier i looked at for the third panel


  1. technically it is a picture of a picture of a picture. or a picture of a picture of a drawing.

  2. Linds, I LOVE this. So cool and creative! Let me know what your teacher says. I think it's very innovative and an awesome final product!

  3. so cool! i love the inspirations and they come across well. thanks for keeping us updated!
