Friday, September 3, 2010

Summer Commissions

This is a 16" x 20" acrylic painting I made for Linda which shows the Nashville farmer's market

I painted these three cupcakes for my best friend McCall's apartment. They are based off of GiGi's cupcakes, where she works.

I also painted this series of acrylic paintings to decorate McCall's apartment kitchen. She requested lots of happy and bright colors.

Final Projects

This first image is approximately 4 feet tall and drawn in charcoal from 9 hours with a live model. It was our final project for Drawing 1.

This was a poster about "a fact" of my choosing that I made for my Design 1 class.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Color Wheel (learning about colors)

Here is my color wheel project. It is acrylic on a 14" circle of bristol board.

This is my assymetry acrylic piece on a 12" square of bristol board. I used two shapes to create my design. and then split complementary colors. It kinda looks like weird flowers (sunflowers?) or the inside of a cell?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Perspective Studies

I did a couple of perspective drawings for my Drawing1 class. I will add them as soon as I get pictures of them all!

this is a 2 point perspective of the art school library.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Working in Grays

both paintings and the gray scale used to create them

These were created for my 2D Design class as well. They are 12" squares of bristol board painted with acrylic paint, mounted on white mat board. As you can see by the gray scale I included in the first image, there were 7 shades and tints including white and black. The images were painted in opposite shades/tints so anything white becomes black in the second image, anything number 3 becomes number 5. The design was created using a single shape repeated to "make an interesting pattern". It is kinda hard to see the original shape in the project but its there, I promise. I was challenged by keeping the grays consistent throughout because acrylic dries so darn fast. Many times I tried to remix the color so it matched my established gray scale and it took 4 or 5 tries.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Interesting Lines

The project for 2-d design was to create 3 consecutive eight inch panels out of black construction paper that demonstrate interesting lines. Also the panels were not supposed to just be one consecutive picture split into three. So, I treated the lines differently in each picture but still made them seem connected. The black lines in the left image seem to peel off into ribbons and eventually form the white lines of the rightmost image. My inspiration was 1. saran wrap tied by a twisty tie (looks like a flower...) 2. curly ribbons 3. a chandelier in our common room

here's the chandelier i looked at for the third panel

Saturday, January 16, 2010

High School Art Projects

I figured this would be a good way to keep everyone updated on what I'm doing in my art classes, and record my progress. Yay! I will start by posting my finished high school art projects.